Hi, I’m very new at this and have been reading tons of other posts, but I still can’t figure it out and would really appreciate help…
I am working on a project to ultimately control a quadrotor pc/laptop computer commands. Right now, I’m having a difficult time just getting two xbee radios to communicate with each other.
I have two series 1 xbee pros (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8742):
-One is placed on the xbee explorer usb (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8742) and connected to my laptop through a usb cable.
-The other is placed on an xtreambee board (http://store.diydrones.com/product_p/br-0015-01.htm) and connected as instructed in the manual to an ArduPilotMega IMU Shield (attached to the Ardupilot mega and powered through USB).
When I attach everything, LEDs light up and through X-ctu, I can communicate with the xbee attached to the explorer usb and modify it (this works for either xbee plugged into it). My problem is that I can’t get any sort of communication with the xbee attached to the Ardupilot mega. Every time I try the range test, it says “timeout while waiting for data” repeatedly.
I’ve set the baud rates to 9600 for both xbees and the PAN IDs are the same. I also set the DH/DL to the SH/SL of the other board for both xbees.
Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? I need to get this working pretty soon so I’d appreciate any suggestions, Thanks!