I have a Embedded system with Communication port (CTS,Rx,RTS,TX,GND) working with RS232 at 9600 BD. The micro controller on the system transmits system status messages every 3 seconds, I configured Xbee S6B on Soft AP mode and connected to the communication port of the micro controller.
I am able to connect my phone to Xbee wifi and receive the status messages to my phone(using TCP client serial terminal on phone) but i am not able to transmit data(serial commands custom to micro controller) from my phone to com port.
I have a 5v supply on board so hae to use a regulated chip
First I used Xbee regulted between the micro controller and Xbee board and i was able to connect with phone but received junk data(not readable charecters).
Second, I used Arduino as voltage source then i was able to receive data from micro controller but not transmit.
Did i miss any thing ? why I am not able to transmit the data from phone.
Everything works fine if I use a serial terminal (teraterminal) on Pc Connected to Com port of micro controller using DB9 cable.
anything wrong with signal ground, is it related to half or full duplex