XBee3 apply profile gives 'Bootloader Hardware compatibility number (2) is greater than firmware(1)


I have set up digi xbee3’s previously using the gs_sensor_digimesg-smt.xpro profile. However, i didn’t receive this error last time I did it. As far as I am aware, they are the same model of xbee. The firmware is different on the one that worked and the one that didn’t: the one that worked has firmware 100B, and the one that doesn’t has firmware 1013. I cannot try downgrading the new xbee device, as it only shows firmware 100D and up. Is there any way to work around this, or is there an updated profile for this firmware I can use?

The best way to address this is to create a new profile using the old one as a reference. That is, open two copies of XCTU. On one of them, bring up the old profile. Then on the 2nd copy, go to the tools menu and Profile function. Select the same Modem type, function set and the highest firmware version. Then copy the settings from the one to the other and choose save.