2012R2 server looses USB drives on AnywhereUSB14

the 2012R2 VM keeps loosing its USB drives that are on a AnywhereUSB/14. I have to reboot the VM to get them back.

Driver v3_80_200
RealPort v4_7_410
firmware 1_83_17_33

TCP Keep-Alive Enabled:
Idle timeout=10 seconds
Probe Interval=10 seconds
Probe Count=5 probes

Keep-Alives is enabled on RealPort.

I know there are slightly newer versions available but their notes don’t say anything about fixing this issue. and I saw a forum post from someone using current firmware with possibly the same issue.

Are there any errors?

Are you running encryption?

Is this all on a local LAN or remote?

RealPort won’t have any impact on the USB ports as it only applies to the serial port.

no errors that I have found in event viewer. the drives are just missing from my computer.
no encryption.
same building but different subnets.

Are these usb hard drives or flash drives?

If you disconnect the USB device and plug in a USB mouse, does the usb mouse get detected.

I would look at the following KB if they are usb dongles


thanks, They are License Dongles, so I’ll try some of the things in that article…