i figured out, that the XBee ZB v2141 firmware does not support “endpoint registration” or something like that. Those endpoints, if registered, would be displayed in the ZigBee Active_EP_rsp with the Digi own endpoints 0xE6 and 0xE8.
I found the XBee SE v3119 firmware, which allows me to set the AO parameter to 3! (AO=3) Woooh (enable ZDP passthrough)! This means that the application (me) must handle some ZDP requests.
This is nice and allows a workaround for the missing “Application Framework Register”. I can now answer ZigBee Active_EP_req messages with an own ZigBee Active_EP_rsp message containing my endpoints. Okay, the XBee will not know about those endpoints, but this is not so fatal.
But if i start to use the XBee SE v3119 firmware, i cannot build up my previous mesh network. I got some TI ZigBee 2006 devices, and i cannot set ZS=1 on XBee SE. And my ConnectorX2-ZB does not like to join the network with an XBee SE coordinator. I think XBee SE is an SE only network, isn’t it?
I need something between ZB and SE firmware. I would like to see the AO=3 option on the ZB firmware.
Yes, Smart Energy (SE) is a very specific profile designed only for use in Smart Energy networks. These require a certificate from Certicom, who is the Smart Energy Certificate Authority. Smart Energy Coordinators, Routers, and End Devices are API only.
As for the AO=3 request, thankyou for the suggestion. We’ll consider it for our next release of firmware.
A change request has been made to get this option added to the firmware.
I can’t guarantee whether or when it will be added, as that’s a determination the product manager and engineering dept will make. If its a “must have”, you may want to coordinate with whomever you work with in Digi Sales to see if they can “push” this request for you.
This is true. AO=3 was added post-2x64, but I see it is in the 2x70 beta already. If you need a copy of this firmware I’d recommend opening up a support case so you can request it.
As far as when the ZB firmware with this parameter will be officially released, I have no projections on a timeline. I refer to my previous post where I advised going through your sales channel so they know of your requirements.