I have a usb key for Codesys that is a CodeMeter CmStick/C 2.04. When I connect on my pc an explorer page open with an empty folder. When I connect to the same dongle via the AW02-G300 about each 60 second I hear that Windows re-connect to the key an this empty folder window (CODEMETER D:) open. I just by this AW02-G300 and I am not sure if it’s work with this dongle. Should I refund. Do you have a setting you suggest me to change. I also update the firmware of my usb key and change the AW02-G300 to 100Mbps half duplex as suggested.
It sounds like there may be a delay with Windows recognizing this USB key (and automatically opening its drive letter) when it’s connected to the AnywhereUSB.
It’s probably OK to ignore this, because the true purpose of this USB key is surely related to some other (non-Digi) software that relies on it.
To see if a USB key is working:
Look for it in Windows Device Manager. Ensure that it’s recognized, has a driver installed, and does NOT have a yellow ! warning icon. You could even compare this to when it’s connected directly to the PC.
Whatever the actual purpose of the USB key is (like I said above, it’s typically tied to a certain piece of software), that’s what you should test. Does that software say it can find the USB key when going through the AnywhereUSB?
Hello Jeremy,
The usb is working fine and I am able to see the key and use it.
But the key seems to disconnect randomly each 60-120 sec and it reconnects. To not be distracted by that I disable the Autoplay in Windows 10 so the Explorer windows did not pop each time the bug happen and also I disable the windows sound Device Connect and Device Disconnect. The Codesys not always check if the key is there so I can operate my software but if it is looking for the key during the 1-2 seconds the key is resetting (USB_RESET) I have a warning.
The key is used to validate a license that we have and want to share between two users without wanting to buy another physical licence.
If the key is connected directly in my computer there is no problem. I have 2-3 similar key and problem is similar on the other key.
It’s a general suggestion to update the AWUSB Manager and AWUSB 2 Plus firmware to the latest version.
If that doesn’t help, search Digi KB articles and the troubleshooting section of the AWUSB 2 Plus user guide.
And if you still need assistance, I would recommend creating a support case with Digi by emailing tech.support@digi.com, or via the Digi support Portal.