I have an AnywhereUSB device connected to a VM host. When a liscensing dongle is attached to the device it is recognized fine. After a server reboot the dongle attached comes up with a DeviceEnumerationFault in the viewer and you have to reset the dongle by taking it out and putting it back it. Anyone got any ideas of how to fix this, would firmware/driver updates resolve the issue?
Besides what you’re seeing in the AnywhereUSB Viewer Utility, what does Device Manager look like? Is there perhaps a yellow warning icon related to that dongle in Device Manager after a reboot?
Also, after you reboot, can you “use” that dongle (for example, does the related software see it?).
I’m trying to determine if there is a “real” problem or not.
I rebooted the server. The device manager looked good no warning icons and such. After a reboot the dongle isn’t usuable. The dongle contains a software license and after a reboot and the DeviceEnumerationFailure it cannot be used and the service depending on it stops.
If you haven’t already tried this, reboot the PC (to re-create the issue) then stop and restart all related services (without unplugging/replugging the dongle) and let me know the dongle can be used that point.
Do an uninstall first via “View / Driver Information / Uninstall” in the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility, and reboot the PC when prompted, then run the above .exe.