Full black color screen on Digi TransPort WR21 Configuration Interface

HI everyone,
Full black color screen shows up every time I try to access the web interface of my Digi TransPort WR21 router. I can get to the login page just fine, but after entering my credentials, the screen turns completely black, and nothing loads.

I have tried using different browsers, cleared my cache, and even restarted the router, but no luck. The router itself seems to be working because all my devices still have internet access.

Has anyone else run into this? Could it be a firmware issue or something Iam missing in the settings? I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you.

Hi there,

This is very unusual. Are you logging into this device locally (via its LAN) or remotely? Have you tried both methods, to see if the issue only occurs when logging in one of these two ways? Also, have you tried logging in with any other computers?