how to reset xbee

hello all
i,m trying to configure xbee module and i did it number of time but last time i configure it as a END DEVICE and after that it’s RX led start glowing continuously on board ,and now i cant test it,is there any way to reset it

Change the configuration via the serial interface port and XCTU. Setting it to End device will not change the ability to configure it via UART & XCTU.


Follow the steps outlined at and you will be able to reload your firmware to any desired version supported by that module.

if you have the newest x-ctu,open your x-ctu, you will find a option:recovery, click ! the module will to factory setting.

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This was helpful cause all the post I saw about it are using old versions of X-CTU. In case, its helpful for someone else it doesn’t work using an arduino shield. So now I have to buy something else and hope I did not do more damage.