I am trying to use an AnywhereUSB 1.80 PN:301-1130-01 to connect (5) USB Wireless adapters to provide more than one channel of wireless capability.
When connecting the (5) Wireless adapters via USB hub, everything works fine, windows recognizes each individual adapter, and the vendor software allows for multiple channels to be scanned.
When I connect the (5) wireless adapters to the AnywhereUSB, windows device manager says that “This device is not working properly because there is already a device that is running…etc” The yellow exclamation point icon is seen by the device.
My question, why is windows capable of running multiple devices (of the same nature) via USB hub, but not via AnywhereUSB.
I believe I spoke with your co-worker yesterday about this. Thanks for the screen captures, which I requested. They aren’t very clear but I think I understand well enough what’s going on.
It’s hard to say right now what’s causing this issue. Normally, it should not be a problem to use multiple of the same kind of USB device with the AnywhereUSB. After all, the AnywhereUSB is designed to function like any other 5-port USB hub, so in theory this should be working.
Before potentially getting our engineering group involved (which, most likely, we would have to do in order to diagnose this) let’s try some other AnywhereUSB drivers. Which AnywhereUSB driver version are you running now? To determine this, click “View / Driver Information” in the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility and note the version of “awusbsys.sys”.
We are currently running driver version 2.40.01 .
Try the new v2.70 driver and let me know if the behavior changes or not.
32-bit version:
“ftp://austin:!15st3n!@ftp1.digi.com/support/AnywhereUSB/2.70 (WHQL)/32-bit/AnywhereUSB v2.70 driver 32-bit.zip”
You should first uninstall the existing AnywhereUSB driver by clicking “View / Driver Information / Uninstall” in the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility and then reboot the PC when prompted. Install the newer version after Windows loads.