I have a problem with an equipment when I try to connect to its serial console using PortServer TS 16Port:
I first use a PC and HyperTerminal connected on COM1 to check that the serial parameters of my box are correct: speed 57600,flow-none,no parity,8 bits,1stop-bit,Terminal type VT52. The console works just fine.
Then I connect Port Server using Console Management profile, with Basic Serial settings on the same parameters.
I connect using HyperTerminal but on TCP/IP sock this time telnetting port 2001. All I get is garbage. I also look into the serial management on the Terminal Server log buffer and I see the same garbage.
My serial console is meant to throw characters for a VT52 “monitor” window continously.
Where is the difference between the PC on COM1 and Hyperterminal and PortServer??? Why do I see the garbage?