You might both be interested in a little (hah!) program I wrote a while ago, called packet-check. You type in (or paste) a packet and it decodes it for you and prints the details, together with any error or warning messages it can spot. It works for 802.15.4, Digimesh, Zigbee and ZNet.
The program does its best to spot and diagnose errors, so it can be handy when you’re composing your own packets and wondering why they don’t work.
I typed your (Velocity) packet into it and this is what it said. Note a few things. First, packet-check is a command line program: no GUI here. Second, the first time I tried it, it assumed you were using API mode 1. That gave errors, so I tried API mode 2 (-api2 as the command line argument) and that showed the packet as good. Third, if you copy and paste the output into a text editor so that you see it in a fixed-width font you’ll find things line up better.
The following shows the whole transaction, from invocation of the program to the output it generated.
[john@eccles ~]$ packet-check -api2
API Packet analyzer version 1.2 for XBees (802.15.4, DigiMesh, ZNet, ZB)
Escape characters enabled (AP=2)
Note: if it prompts for more bytes and you’re done, hit return
Enter packet: 7E 00 1E 90 00 7D 33 A2 00 40 48 95 A3 23 3E 01 41 3D 30 30 20 4F 3D 31 20 5A 3D 31 20 54 3D 37 36 0D CA
Original packet: 7E 00 1E 90 00 7D 33 A2 00 40 48 95 A3 23 3E 01 41 3D 30 30 20 4F 3D 31 20 5A 3D 31 20 54 3D 37 36 0D CA
Unescaped packet: 7E 00 1E 90 00 13 A2 00 40 48 95 A3 23 3E 01 41 3D 30 30 20 4F 3D 31 20 5A 3D 31 20 54 3D 37 36 0D CA
7E // Correct packet header byte
00 1E // payload length (decimal 30)
90 // Packet type: ZigBee receive packet
// Valid for DigiMesh, Znet2.5, ZigBee
00 13 A2 00 40 48 95 A3 // 64-bit source address
23 3E // 16-bit source address
01 // Rx options: ack
// TX data (18 bytes) [1]
41 // transmitted data ‘A’
3D // transmitted data ‘=’
30 // transmitted data ‘0’
30 // transmitted data ‘0’
20 // transmitted data ’ ’
4F // transmitted data ‘O’
3D // transmitted data ‘=’
31 // transmitted data ‘1’
20 // transmitted data ’ ’
5A // transmitted data ‘Z’
3D // transmitted data ‘=’
31 // transmitted data ‘1’
20 // transmitted data ’ ’
54 // transmitted data ‘T’
3D // transmitted data ‘=’
37 // transmitted data ‘7’
36 // transmitted data ‘6’
0D // transmitted data CR
CA // checksum - correct
[1] Max 100 bytes on 802.15.4, or 72 on DigiMesh or ZNet2.5
[john@eccles ~]$
=== (End of program output).
So your mystery bytes are the 64-bit source address (9 bytes because one was escaped), the 16-bit source address and the Rx Options (ACK in this case).
Compare that with the packet description in the ZNet product manual and you should be able to make more sense of it.
I make the packet-check program freely available on my website. It’s written in Tcl, so if you don’t already have it you’ll need to download the (also free) Tcl interpreter. The whole lot will run on pretty much any platform, certainly including Linux, Mac and Windows.
For more details, hop over to the 802.15.4 forum and check out the pinned posts at the top. If you haven’t already seen this stuff, the FAQ might also be of interest. The cookbook, however, will be of less interest since it’s written with 802.15.4 in mind.
If all that’s too much to bother with, I do monitor these forums and I try to respond to questions about API packets such as this, so feel free to post other packet questions. On the other hand, having your own copy of packet-check gives you the ability to get answers fast…
Edit: One small suggestion - if you want help with a packet it’s good if you can supply it in the message body instead of or as well as a JPEG. That way it can simply be pasted into tools like packet-check rather than having to re-type it. No flames, just a suggestion 
Hope it helps