U.S. Robotics V.92 USB Modem / USR5637 working with Anywhere
Working trying to come up with a Init string.
Finally found one that works!
Wanted to share!
U.S. Robotics V.92 USB Modem / USR5637 working with Anywhere
Working trying to come up with a Init string.
Finally found one that works!
Wanted to share!
I know this is a few years old but if you’re still around and willing to assist?
I’ve got a USR5637 that appears to work great over AnywhereUSB. It initiates great, sees when a call is coming in it just wont answer. This is for a fax call coming in.
Any thoughts?
Wow, that was a long time. Have you tried the Init string I used?
Yes the AT&F1… init string works great. The modem initializes good.
I’m wondering if there’s anything else I need to look at to get it to answer? While monitoring the modem it sees a call come in but it never answers. Using the same modem directly to the host for testing does work so there’s something I’m missing for it to get to the next step when it’s redirected over the AUSB.