XBee 3 in API mode to expose multiple zigbee TemperatureSensor devices (HomeAutomation profile)

Hello guys,

I hope I will not bother you with trivial things that I have not understood, but I am facing some difficulty with my xbee3-based project.

I want to send temperature measurements from a micro-controller (arduino or rasberry Pico, still to be decided) to a domotic system that already has a zigbee coordinator up and running.
I have configured my xbee3 module to have a zigbee Home Automation profile (0x0104), and it is recognized as expected by the coordinator and the domotic system.

Now, I am trying to send 3 different temperature measurements, using 3 different endpoint. As I want my domotic system to read the measures, I have to do it according to the Zigbee specs.

I have read a few docs, but most of them were sending custom data, most often using the
xbee as a wireless serial interface.
I did not undersand how to declare the endpoints I will use to send the measurements with the correct zigbee deviceID (temperature sensor, 0x0302), and how to format the data to send.

I would be extremely grateful if anybody could provide me with some guidance on how to achieve that !

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I would suggest looking at https://www.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/90001539/#reference/r_zb_zdo_transmissions.htm?TocPath=Transmission%252C%2520addressing%252C%2520and%2520routing%257CZDO%2520transmissions%257C_____0

And the HA protocol for the proper response on the type of sensor you are working with.